A vast majority of us are internet users. We like to share, read, blog, post , like and enquire. We learn a lot about all the things we want before we get them, and that’s smart. But everything comes with its pros and cons, and the biggest flaw of internet is the volume of information that may not be fully true. For instance, how often do you self diagnose on google? Do you try to research for the red rash you just found on your arm and after browsing a couple of pages – come to the conclusion that you may have lime disease?!
Well this may sound sarcastic and funny but on the contrary, it’s critically serious by nature and intent.
If we use skincare as an example, how many times have you bailed out of a skin care treatment just because you read some unauthentic information about it without even bothering to consult a skin care professional? While reviews are important, let’s not forget that information is power and so here are a few facts that are important to know about in terms of laser treatments for this article’s sake:
“Laser Treatments”. Effective and Futuristic Skin Care Solutions, Truth or False?
A lot of us may have heard of them but are not too sure if they are right for us, if they are safe, if the location is the right one, or if it is something we even need.
Let’s take a look at some myths and facts about laser treatments:
I have a Dark Skin so I can’t get Laser Treatments
Hmm? While it is true that your skin tone does have an effect in the details of your laser treatments; the modern equipment have adjustable settings and are suitable and safe for all possible skin types, ensuring the latest and state of the art equipment is at the location will help you make the right decision. At Nouvelle Peau Medispa , our Laser Treatments are suitable for all skin colors.
Laser Treatments yield Instant Results
Perhaps these are not the right words to use. Laser provides quick results, not instant. It isn’t magic. You will not walk out and never see hair again after one session and this is fair right ? who ever goes to the gym and lose 10 pounds after one day of exercise ? Be consistent and ensure you take the minimum required sessions that are needed.
Professional laser clinics like Nouvelle Peau Medispa work with your body’s natural processes for best results and no side effects, and this may take some time and a number of treatments.
Lasers Work on the Skin’s Surface Only
Laser machines are carefully designed to focus on different cosmetic and skin concerns which is why their wavelength of laser light varies. While some are designed to work on the skin’s surface problems only, some are designed to penetrate deeper into skin’s blood vessels.
IPL and Lasers are the Same
Contrary to the popularly believed myth, IPL and lasers are not the same and serve different purposes. Both are incredibly efficient though! IPL is a highly intensified pulse light that uses a broad spectrum at multiple wavelengths.
Lasers cause Cancer
Equipement for cosmetic laser treatments go through a process to be certified in order to be sold to dermatologists and medispa clinics. It is not proven that cosmetic laser can cause cancer as they discharge no harmful radiations.
Laser Treatments are very Expensive
The definition of what is economical and expensive varies from person to person and budget to budget. Laser treatments can start as low as $30.00 per session depending on the area of your body and the location.
To get a head start on your skincare for the fall season, schedule a facial , book your appointment here or purchase your treatments online. We invite you to join our 30 min skin module to learn about your options.
At Nouvelle Peau Medispa we believe the happier you are, the more beautiful you become. Professional skin care treatments are not to be taken lightly, which is why we ensure the best practices in the industry and provide nothing but the latest tested, safe, and proven innovation in the field.With over 15 years of experience in the non surgical face and body treatments, we have locations in Mexico, USA and now Canada! Come visit us to experience first class skin care with the latest technology in the industry. Our services range from , laser hair removal, peeling, rosacea laser treatment, facials, acne treatment, fungus treatment, body contouring to tattoo removal, radio frequency and IPL. www.nouvellepeau.com